Please read. “We, us, website, company” refers to Rebel Us Love (company and website.) “You” is the reader.
Opinion and Change of Content
This website and owner, authors, audience, and other roles to this site have the right to share their/our opinion.
All opinions are subject to change without prior notice… because opinions can do that.
All information in this website, however, shall be as honest as reasonably possible- at the time of publishing.
Nuance is a cornerstone of this company/website, and many topics will be multifaceted in presentation. Readers shall understand information may come from numerous directions- solely at the discretion of the owner and authors of this website.
Readers have the right to engage as they will. No engagement is required, or required to stay on this website, nor is any comments/engagement required to be unchanged, or remain on any other platform/website/app.
Nothing published on this site shall be treated as proven, inarguable fact, although all information shall be true to our perspective.
This website/company, owner, operators, and audience cannot be held responsible for outcomes of said opinions as they are protected under United States of America’s first amendment (free speech.)
Acknowledgment Of Possible Mistakes And Change of Content
Although we aim for accuracy, some information on this website (or published by our company) may not be up to date, may be missing information, be incomplete (hopefully not, but stuff happens) , may be considered controversial, and may not be suitable for every use, or for every user.
Mistakes may be present in our work, and we will reasonably try to fix them as we are able to- at our sole discretion.
We also have the right to change any of our content (on any platform) at any time for any reason- without prior notice, solely at our discretion.
Use At Your Own Risk and Discretion
You should not solely use any of the information on this website (or by our company) to make decisions. Please do your due diligence before making such decisions.
Please seek professional aid when necessary.
We cannot and will not be held responsible for your personal or professional use of this website, or the use of the content published by us, on any platform.
Sensitive and Controversial Content
Rebel Us Love (.com) covers sensitive topics and may (does) create and engage with challenging subject matter. You acknowledge and accept that we may share and/or write controversial content. This is protected under free speech, and shall not, cannot, will not be imposed on, or revoked as applicable by law.
- Not intended for children
- Some audiences may find material on this site offensive
- Occasional swearing
- May express opinions/views that may be deemed ‘controversial’
- Feeling offended, upset, insulted, or otherwise uncomfortable may occur.
This website may cover topics such as
- Mental illness
- Societal issues
- Psyche
- Religion (often critically)
- And other topics that some may find disturbing and/or disagree with.
This is done at our sole discretion and is protected by law. We will NOT alter/change/ revise our content in any way we deem unnecessary or unwarranted at our sole discretion.
This website/company is not liable and cannot be held liable for any subsequent outcomes of engaging with this website, social media platforms, any advertising, topics, or any other content published by us.
Please take care of yourself, and only engage as is healthy for you.
See professionals as needed, for you. This is NOT professional advice in any way. This company does NOT offer medical advice, and anything that may be suggested shall not be taken as medical advice.
This website is NOT intended for young audiences. often covers subject matter that may be difficult for some audience members- especially for children.
The owner/author(s) may explore topics and language that some may find disturbing, including swearing, challenging themes, and views that may not be generally accepted easily by the general public.
READERS UNDER 13 (or legal age applicable by law) ARE PROHIBITED!
No Guaranteed Results Or Promises Or Warranties
This company/website does not have any warranties on content, or anything else unless specifically stated otherwise.
There are no guarantees or promises, unless otherwise stated.
Furthermore, we (and the owner, operator, authors, and all other roles/people associated with us) cannot be reasonably expected to provide such- although we do strive to provide the most honest content we can (within the limitations therein, for whatever reason.)
You agree to enact in your own best interest, and you also agree to not hold this website/company or its owner responsible or liable. In any way allowed by law for any damages that might accrue from engaging with (in any way) our website/company (Rebel Us Love).
All visitors (you) are solely responsible for how you interact with this website and consequences thereof.
You Are Solely Responsible For Your Own Actions
By using this site, you recognize and agree that you are solely responsible for your own actions when interacting with this website.
You are solely responsible for any comments you make on this site, and in engaging on any other platform with Rebel Us Love- to any extent acceptable by/applicable by law.
You agree that you are solely liable for any damages that might take place while using and/or because of the use of this website, how you use the content, and/or anything else regarding your use of this website/company.
We cannot be liable or held responsible for what other people do or say in any way.
Please do not use our website unfairly, with ill intent, or maliciously. DO NOT USE TO CAUSE HARM IN ANY WAY.
Removal and Use Of Content At Our Discretion
We have the right to remove, edit, or otherwise work on/with anything you say on this site. We have the right to remove any comments, or disengage with you solely at our discretion. This expands to any and all social media, and/or other websites, where/as applicable by law.
We may also choose to use screenshots, or otherwise use your comments/engagement with this company/website (including on social media platforms) at our sole discretion. This includes (but is not limited to) advertising, to make future content, and discussion.
No Endorsements Except Where Otherwise Specified
Mentions of any company, person, product, website- or any other medium/entity/platform (or anything else) is not meant as an endorsement unless otherwise specified.
Any sponsorships, affiliates, or endorsement shall and will be prominently stated as required by law.
Right to Refuse Service
This company/website has the right to refuse collaborations, services, and/or any form of communications/work with anyone, (as allowed by law) for any reason at our sole discretion.
Race, disability, and reasons defined/protected by law does not apply and is protected by law.
We (company/website) are not obligated to continue any communications we do not wish to be involved with/in. We may end said relationship/service/communications at any point, for any reason, at our sole discretion.
Third Parties
Although this company/website strives for safety, accuracy, and a respectable position, we cannot be liable, or held responsible, for anything that happens due to associated third-parties of this website. This includes (but is not limited to)
- Apps
- Other websites
- Companies
- Readers and/or visitors
- Security risks from other websites
- Cookies, or operating aspect/systems
- Or any other third party
Rebel Us Love cannot dictate other company’s rules, control how they operate, or the consequences thereof. All readers use at their own risk.
It is advised to also read and agree to all third party terms when appropriate, and as needed.
Copyright and Original Work
All work on our website is not to be changed, used, sold, or distributed without our consent.
However, backlinks, reasonable references, and fair use are permitted as protected/allowed by law.
You may share the website and its pages as you see fit untouched (with friends, family, on social media, as normal sharing practices allow.)
Grievances On Original Content Use
Using work without permission is never intended by us. We try to avoid using any images or content without prior consent.
If we accidentally use your work, please send us a grievance at We will take it down, or credit the original creator, whichever they wish/prefer.
As allowed by law, you agree that your preference will be the conclusion to any related situations/concerns and shall be deemed as addressed/solved.
If You Have Concerns
If you have concerns with the website or the content thereof, you may contact us at any time. We are not required to read, reply, or engage with such communication. However, we do take our audience, readers, visitors' well-being seriously, and will treat each concern based on its own, unique merit solely at our discretion- as we see fit.
This website/company cannot be held liable in any way for any damages, losses, or other unfortunate outcomes/consequences of engaging with this website. We cannot be held responsible for any outcomes due to unforeseen circumstances.
We cannot be held responsible/liable for any viruses, malware, or damages to a computer, other equipment, processes, internet, accounts- or anything else that might be affected by such.
Any goods that we may offer may or may not be suitable for your use, or the exact purpose of your planned use of them. You agree to these terms by using any goods offered on this website.
Moreover, we are not liable or responsible for any assumptions made by any customers, readers, or anyone else. We do aim for honest transparency where/as appropriate (solely at our discretion.)
Please see terms of service for further legal information.